Have employee injuries increased?
Is productivity declining?
Is there a lack of safety culture at your company?

Did you know that proper ergonomics can benefit your company’s bottom line? In the age of the coronavirus (COVID-19), employers are highly focused on keeping their work staff both healthy and safe. But beyond hand sanitizer, hand washing, ear loop masks, and social distancing, employers can keep workers safe through essential ergonomics.

Ergonomics Is an Investment, Not an Expense

Years ago, ergonomics seemed like a highfalutin business expense. But today, it’s a necessary investment and an integral part of building trust and care between both employer and employee. Why? Because even a few minutes of lost work per day can amount to days, if not weeks or more by year end.

Whether you own a corporate office, startup, small business, or any size entity in between, consider the following options to boost worker safety and comfort.

  • Modular office furniture
  • Sit/stand desks
  • Anti-fatigue mats
  • Tools for better reaching
  • Protective eyewear
  • Proper lighting
  • Knee and elbow padding
  • Hearing protection
  • And more!

Proper Ergonomics Increases Productivity

Today’s office design is about more than just aesthetics and graphics. Science and the study of ergonomics have proven that conforming the workplace to the human body allows for better form and function. Without ergonomics, your workers are forced to position and move their bodies awkwardly, which will eventually lead to musculoskeletal injuries, strains, sprains, broken bones, and more.

Aside from the obvious physical benefits, providing the proper ergonomic workspace for your employees has another added benefit: making your employees feel valued. When a person feels valued and “taken care of,” they have a better mental outlook and are motivated to work a little harder, therefore increasing productivity.

According to OSHA, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) represent $1 out of every $3 spent
on workers’ compensation, with annual costs reaching $15 to $20 billion.


Attention to Ergonomics Decreases Absenteeism

What happens when employees are too sore or injured to work? They call out sick, schedule doctor visits during work hours, and even need surgery to fix the problem—which can cause your insurance rates to rise. Depending on the extent of the surgery, an employee will need days, weeks, even months to recuperate.

And you know that with every lost person per day, you are losing not only production time and efficiency but also increasing dollars from your company’s bottom line. Plus, you still have to pay their wages. So, it’s a double whammy of sorts. In addition, absenteeism can cause unease among workers, both because it reduces morale and because remaining employees are forced to pick up the slack of the absent worker.

Established Ergonomics Procedures Reduces Turnover

Employees who are hurt or injured due to their work environment, or see fellow co-workers suffering, are more likely to seek other work opportunities and leave altogether. Sometimes, good employees can be forced into retirement due to ongoing health issues. The result… a huge loss of knowledge and experience. Replacing and retraining employees are both costly and time consuming. So, it’s always a better option to spend a little more up front to keep your current workforce safe and healthy.


When it comes to keeping workers safe, happy, and healthy, ergonomics pays off. Employees are inspired to work harder for an employer who cares about them and makes their contribution feel valued. Not only do they become hard workers, they turn into brand advocates. Investing in ergonomics results in many short-term and long-term benefits, which increases your company’s bottom line—every time.


Want to boost your company’s bottom line?

Find out how ergonomics can reduce absenteeism and turnover with
McClure Ergonomics Consulting.

Call TODAY for your ergonomics assessment!