The average employee in the United States spends eight hours each day either sitting or standing for long periods. Whether on a factory floor or at a desk, back injuries at work remain a costly problem. According to the United States Department of Labor, back pain causes businesses to lose almost $50 billion per year due to lost productivity, worker’s compensation claims, lawsuits, and temporary disability payments.

So, what are the best ways to prevent these setbacks? Let’s look at the leading causes of back injuries in the workplace and practical ergonomic advice, so you can keep your employees safe and healthy.

3 Leading Causes of Back Injuries at Work

Before you take steps to improve back safety, it’s essential to understand the factors behind these injuries. Based on research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most back injuries at work are caused by one of these three things.

  1. Improper lifting. More than 75% of back injuries at work happen when an employee is lifting. Using unsafe techniques or repetitive motions are two risk factors associated with lift-related injuries.
  2. Poor posture. Whether sitting or standing, it’s a good idea to assess employee posture and encourage better techniques. In addition to causing injury, slouching, hunching, or misalignment can worsen back pain, weaken muscles, and decrease productivity.
  3. Fatigue. Standing, sitting, lifting, driving, or performing repetitive tasks can take a toll on the body. Offer regular breaks and encourage downtime to mitigate incidents caused by fatigue.

So, how can you mitigate these risks? Here are four ways to promote a safer work environment and prevent back injuries.


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4 Ways to Improve Back Safety at Work

Institute a Back Safety Training Program

More than one million employees suffer from back injuries each year. So, investing in back safety training is well worth the time and effort. Demonstrate proper lifting techniques and share other safety tips to reduce the risk of on-the-job accidents or injuries.

Conduct a Work Task Analysis

If you’ve never conducted a formal work task analysis, now might be the time. Partner with a consulting firm like McClure Ergonomics as a cost-effective way to ensure your business operates both safely and efficiently. A Work Task Analysis includes employee interviews, observations, photos, and a full report, including specific tips for your workplace.

Assess Workstation Ergonomics

While back injuries are most common in manufacturing or construction settings, office employees aren’t immune. Poor posture or inadequate equipment are often to blame for back pain. Make sure each employee has a supportive chair and computer monitors positioned at eye level. For quick tips on optimizing employees’ desks, be sure to read this post about setting up computer workstations.

Reduce Repetitive Movements and Fatigue

Repetitive strain injuries can happen in any job. Pulling, lifting, twisting, bending, stretching, or even sitting can strain the back. We often observe risky, repetitive motions while conducting onsite assessments. Here are a few strategies to mitigate back injury impacts.

  • Encourage regular stretching before and after work.
  • Allow time for adequate breaks.
  • Use padded surfaces on jobs that require long periods of standing.
  • Add ergonomic wrist pads to computer stations.
  • Discourage remaining in the same position for too long.
  • Train employees to use less force while hammering or performing other tasks.

Overall, it’s crucial to provide your workers with the tools and equipment they need to perform their jobs safely, efficiently, and comfortably.

Find Out How McClure Ergonomics Can Help You Prevent Back Injuries at Work

Now that you know the leading risk factors for back injuries and possible solutions, it’s time to take the next step. Whether you’re ready to book an ergonomics assessment or have questions about the process, we’re here to help.

Call McClure Ergonomics Today

Protect Your Employees and Your Business from Back Injuries at Work