Ergonomics and Safe Lifting: 7 Proven Solutions

Ergonomics and Safe Lifting: 7 Proven Solutions

Preventing Workplace Injuries We move every day—whether at a comfortable desk job, a rigorous outdoor job, or spending a leisurely day at home. We lift, tug, hold, push, pull, and carry light, heavy, or awkward objects daily. If your work involves the manipulation of...
Managing Ergonomics after a Workplace Injury

Managing Ergonomics after a Workplace Injury

How to Prevent Accidents on the Job Injuries on the job due to poor ergonomics can be costly, not only due to the loss of a worker but also as a result of fines to the business. When an employee suffers a workplace injury, an employer can be immediately open to...
How Ergonomics Increases Productivity

How Ergonomics Increases Productivity

Are you looking to lower the cost of worker’s compensation? Want to reduce health care costs for your company? How about improving worker productivity? Most employers today understand that if you want to get the most out of your workforce, employees need to feel...
Standing Desks Benefits and Risks

Standing Desks Benefits and Risks

Recent Reports about This Latest Office Trend Standing desks have gained popularity and even become trendy in recent years due to perceived health benefits such as, weight loss, cardiovascular health, and relief from muscle discomfort—even better work performance and...
The Importance of Ergonomics in the Workplace

The Importance of Ergonomics in the Workplace

How Investing in Worker Safety Leads to Success The importance of ergonomics in the workplace has frequently been both overlooked and undervalued by owners, managers, and supervisors as well as employees themselves. The good news is that workplaces are getting safer....